Mission time is so weird! Just like everyone says. The days often drag, but the weeks FLY and before you know it the transfer is over again.
Foodfield is holding its own in spite of being threatened with closing in December (and that's almost a definite at this point). When it closes Trumbull will absorb Fairfield and Easton, and the Trumbull ward will have one set of missionaries instead of two. BUT,we are still holding out the hope that sisters will be doubled into Trumbull so we can stay in the ward (meaning that the ward would still have only one set of missionaries,but they would be sisters instead of elders), which is always a possibility. This ward is AMAZING. We love it and would love to hang around a lot longer.
We have a wonderful baptism scheduled for November 1st. The investigator had a lot of music she wanted to sing at the baptism that wasn't from the hymnbook. We felt so bad because the music is really important to her. So we told her we will learn the songs and play them for the prelude (Sister Johnston plays the violin). It's like her own private concert that no one will be listening to except her. I'm so excited!
Other than that the teaching pool is draining out gradually. Our numbers have dropped because of some health problems and other challenges we've had this transfer. (Yes, I know, excuses excuses. Oh well.) BUT, we still have about five investigators that are ready or almost ready to be baptized, and for one reason or another haven't gotten there yet. But they all progress at their own rate. And for the past several weeks we've had two or three investigators at church which is a lot more than we've seen in a while. So we're seeing small miracles and many blessings.
Here are some random/funny moments.
1. We were in the parking lot of Old Navy (we stopped to use their restroom) and a lady pulled in, in her SUV. She steps out of the car and gets out her stroller like she's going to put a kid in it. The stroller's wheels are falling off. Instead of bringing out the kid, she gets back in her SUV and drives off. Almost as if on cue, a security van pulls up and someone gets out and grabs the stroller. It was like they planned it. And it was so strange.
2. We found a "dead book" in our apartment this week. A dead book is where
missionaries take old teaching records out of the area book and separate them somewhere, because they think those former investigators are never going to progress, or something for whatever reason. Anyway, they are very strongly discouraged and I didn't think I'd ever see one. But we found one. And it's a gold mine! Teaching records that go back as far as the early 90's (that's old in mission time). All these people to go find again! And they're now back in the REAL area book where they belong.
3. One of the teaching records in the dead book listed the ompanionship "Elders Reid and Wright." Take a moment to read it out loud to yourself.
4. We saw a little girl attacking a tree with a rake. Like there's not enough leaves on the ground already? Gotta pull down some more, I guess.
5. We had a very discouraging moment one night we came home and heard the message from one of our golden investigators, that they were dropping us. So we made a paper target and attacked it with Smarties for half an hour. Very therapeutic. I felt much better. Can't attach the video- I tried but that is too complicated for me, I guess.
I'm attaching one of my pathetic attempts to capture the beauty of New England autumn on camera. I really don't know how to take decent pictures, so I can't do it justice. Plus there's not much time to take them. The other picture is the celebration of my eight-month mark. Yay!
Love to everyone,
Sister Monson