Monday, March 29, 2010

29 Mar 2010

Well, I am still disoriented and don't know where I am. This area is ENORMOUS. Fourteen towns. But the ward is wonderful and the work is going well, so I am excited to be here.

Today Sister Mortimer and I were reading Alma chapters 26 and 29 (great chapters BTW) and talking about the way we felt about our missions. So I put on the reminiscing and reflecting hat and haven't taken it off yet so here are my rambling thoughts, to go on for who knows how long...

Things I have gained or learned from my mission (not necessarily in this order):
-A real testimony! I think I was in the "knowing but not knowing that I know" camp before my mission. I have a real testimony of everything in the Church but especially the Book of Mormon. Nothing like defending it every day to make you appreciate it. The Book of Mormon is true, and all the whining in the world cannot make it otherwise. Because the Book of Mormon is true, everything else in the church is true. It's beautifully simple. Any questions or concerns either are resolved or put on the back burner by diligently studying the Book of Mormon. Like your green tea? Read the Book of Mormon. That's all you need to do.
-An appreciation for the Church. I thought I had a clue before my mission...I had NO IDEA how much work goes on "behind the scenes." I had no idea about the fires bishops have to put out every day. I had no idea how important visiting and home teaching are. The way the Church is set up, it is a perfectly organized system for God's children to take care of each other and the fact that it has all been set up voluntarily, continues to run, and continues to grow is another testimony to its truthfulness.
-I am realizing how important it is to live in the moment. I don't do this perfectly but I am consciously trying to soak it all in while I can.
-I've learned how vital humor is to my sanity.
-I've gained a greater appreciation for my parents and for growing up in the Church. To anyone who grew up in the Church and rebelled against it, I wish I could tell them all that I know people out here who would give their right arm to have grown up in the Church. The gospel just makes life more simple, it spares you from the heartache that comes from repeating the mistakes of others, and it promotes stable families which is what kids need to grow up normal. And if that weren't enough, it's true! and that's what matters most.
-I have a much greater appreciation for God's living mouthpieces. Last conference was especially wonderful for me. I have never felt more honored to be a representative of this Church, and these great men and women who lead it. (And conference is coming AGAIN!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like President says, it's the time when we get to "recharge the batteries.")
-I have a true appreciation for the priesthood. And I no longer covet it. :) What a relief, right? I don't want it! But I'm so grateful for it and for my own role in God's plan for his children. Anyone who knows me well can testify that I could blab on this topic for hours, but I won't. But I wish I could help every woman in the Church understand what the priesthood really is and what it means.
-For the first time in my life, I enjoy exercise. :)
-I'm learning how to better communicate with people, especially the people close to me, and how to resolve and appreciate differences.
-Learning how to cope with emotions and think more realistically and positively- this has been a huge change for me.
-I think one of the most important things is that I really, truly know that God has a plan for my life which is much better than my plans for myself, and that all I need to do is trust him and follow as well as I can and everything will be fine.

To be continued...but for now that's all, folks. Love you! The Church is true!
-Sister Monson

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